I’ve decided to make this spot on the site to journal a bit, dump ideas that cross my mind, and perhaps catalog cool things that I come across. If you’re reading this, congrats on finding the secret stash!
Right before our little break for the holidays, Joel finished tracking drums for all of the songs on our first album. I’m well underway with my contribution too; I’ve recorded a guitar track for 5.5 of the 7 songs, and while this certainly puts a large chunk of the work behind me, there is more ahead. Joel and Tom tell me that I’ll need to double track guitars, and because of my own expectation and self doubt, this process has been less than enjoyable. My fingers are crossed that I’ll look back upon this work fondly as time passes and I can gain a bit of perspective.
In somewhat related news, I’m listening to an audiobook by the band NOFX called “The Hepatitis Bathtub.” I’ve reached a spot in the book where the band details the frustration of putting together one of their early efforts. Hearing those guys talk about the hurdles they went through makes me feel a bit better about the ones I’m facing.